There’s no way to describe the feeling we had as we first set eyes on these Amazing Lili Ledy Alter Ego Customs from Luis Felipe. It’s so great to meet a collector who shares such a similar passion. Please enjoy these as much as we have.
For comparison's sake, here you see a fine set of Alter Egos made by MEGO. The camera for Peter Parker is made by Palitoy for the Pippa doll line which was a contemporary of MEGO. It is now a well-researched fact that Peter Parker did NOT originally come with a camera. However, it is still fun to display him with a vintage one in an appropriate scale. Now just relax and enjoy the view.
USA MEGO / Mexico Lili Ledy / Mexican Alter Egos
Spiderman / Hombre Araña / Peter Parker
Superman / Supermán / Clark Kent
Batman / Batman / Bruno Diaz
Robin / Robin / Ricardo Tapia
Aquaman / Aquamán / Orin
Penguin / Pingüino / Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot
Captain America / Capitán América / Steve Rogers
Shazam / Shazam / Memo Batson
Mr. Mxyzptlk / Mr. Mxyzptlk / Ben Deroy
Supergirl / Superniña / Linda Danvers
Wonder Woman / Marvila (also, Mujer Maravilla) / diana prince
Catwoman / Gatúbela / Selina Kyle
Batgirl / Batichica / Bárbara Gordon
Green Arrow / Flecha Verde / Oliverio Reina
Iron Man / Hombre de Hierro / Tony Stark
Riddler / Acertijo Eduardo (or Edward) Nigma
Falcon / Halcón / Sam Wilson
Tarzan / Tarzán / no alter ego